The word "porte-amour" is a creation of French artist Marie-Aude as an echo to the French word "porte-bonheur", which means "lucky charm". A "porte-amour" is hence a "love charm" or, litterally, a "love carrier".
This little "love charm" is a testimony of friendly, filial or romantic love.
It is a sweet note hidden in a handmade showcase made of luxurious & fragrant fabric.
The sweet note is calligraphed in scented ink.
Fragrance stimulates the sense of smell, which is the only sense that goes straight to the heart and brain, as it directly and instantly activates the limbic system, the area of the brain where emotions and memory are housed. So, just as scents recall a memory, they activate our emotions.
The "love carrier" can wear a perfume of your choice, which you can simply reapply over time, or it may be scented with the one I suggest, in line with your love charm's intention. Perfuming a love charm makes it even more original and personal, and completes the pleasure of the senses: touch, sight and smell.